Wednesday, July 25, 2007

X-Ray Specs

Haiku # 24

X-Ray Specs failed
Nude ladies in Boy's Life Ads
First time male fraud.

Sea Monkeys

Haiku #22

Sea monkeys died.
Never saw them do any tricks.
Faceless Brine Shrimp.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's Elementary!

Haiku #21

Public School teacher
returns from long summer break.
Hardest part of Job.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Birthday 2007

A spontaneous free verse poem for my birthday:

Here we are in the heart of Summer in USA
Drinking our sweat from the heat.
Driving our cars.
About $3.00 a gallon.
"There's No Stopping Us"
0 per cent financing from Ford for 2007 models
I see hybrids everywhere.
Summer drinks -- Manhattans and Vodka with Orange Juice.
No one flirts in the suburbs in the summer.
Touching occurs in the cooler months.
Children play till they are hysterical at night.
When will we be at war with Iran?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Great Wall of China

From a spaceship, 10 miles above earth

You can't see much below

except an asshole.

Big as a crater.

Like the one from an astroid

that made the Dinosaurs extinct.

He cuts in front of cars on I-95

driving to South Beach.

to the night clubs

where he invites love and

finds group alienation.

Do not be an asshole,

The business sages say

if you want to manage people.

But how many assholes have you known?

A million?

They manage.

Other than assholes,

I am angry with the Adult film industry.

Not for the vulgar images.

But for the language used showing

disrespect for the general area where life begins.

For example, I heard them refer to a clitoris

As a cookie.

Friday, July 13, 2007

What is Peak Oil Poetry?

What is this Blog about?

The gifts are imperfect.
The knowledge limited.
The execution faulty.

But the time is perfect.
Sometimes the picture is bigger
than the frame, the artist, or the viewer.

Awareness is more important than judgment.
Action is more valuable than thought.
Emptyness is more useful than a Super Wal-Mart full of memories.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Limerick #2

Hello voters, my name is Chris Dodd
My supporters are sometimes called clods
They know I can't win
its sink and not swim
If hopelessness is fashionable, then I'd be a Mod.

(alternate ending:

My campaign couldn't catch lightening if I were a Rod

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Haiku #21

John McCain runs
Wins Loser nomination
With your support

Monday, July 9, 2007

I am Las Vegas

(Draft 7/12)

I am Las Vegas, witness the Strip
America's Main Street.
Reliving all your night dreams and memories.
Brunette in short black dress, with champaign bottle pointing,
legs spread, like a bridge, to an inviting view of The Venetian
from cement terrace at high rise condo.
She offers you a glance.

Without displacing the sight of your beloved,
the Retirement Community asks for you as well.
Elder Boomers await Death
between all you can eat seafood buffets
and Vegas' loosest slots.

I am the Entertainment Capital of the Western World.
I am the Pinnacle of Western Civilization.
I am America's greatest city.
I am the soul of our Nation.

I am Las Vegas.
Highest quality entertainment.
Tourists from the Heartland
drive 1852 miles
to see the Blue Man Group or just
mute Smurfs in 3-D.
Then drive back to subsidized farm near stripmall
to raise family and watch TV.

Celine Dion at What Cesars Palace looks like
to someone in America in the 1960s.

And KaKa, the newest show
That everyone must see.
Where cross-bearing acrobats with angels' wings and white sheets,
Fling shit at actors in tights below,
dressed as Mexicans, trying to pick grapes
while avoiding the Border Patrol
dressed as clowns.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Beat Tribute # 4

With the last gallon of gas in America
I will drive to a Jazz funeral
In New Orleans
For the American Way of Life.

I will lead that final parade
In the last production car made in America --
A Ford, recalled as soon as it left the factory.

An Army of unemployed Auto workers will follow.
We will bury the Car with the remains of the Superdome
still wet and damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

I will play taps, on a bugle made in Japan.
And we will celebrate in the flood damaged remains of
the homes of the poor, eating the leftover food from the long departed

Monday, July 2, 2007

Haiku # 20

Boy in car with Father
use even/odd plates for ration
a past embargo

Sunday, July 1, 2007

#3 Beat Tribute

With the last gallon of Gas in America,
I will drive to the final manufacturer of horse drawn carriages
in North America,
Somewhere in Pennsylvannia, near the wheat fields,
the State where the Quakers first discovered oil
And I will show them the advantages of modern combustable engines --
something they don't know, since they don't watch tv and live the ads.
And perversely, they will say that while horses need oats to run
cars need corn, not oil
to get stuck in traffic and go nowhere.
And I will agree but drive out of there anyway
to drink some cherry wine with a Dharma Bum.
#2 Beat Tribute

With the last gallon of gas in America,
I will fill up ten Honda lawnmowers
And trim the brown lawns
of countless unemployed real estate agents